Supply Chain Management Certificate

Program Website:

Program Director: Dr. Stella Tomasi
Phone: 410-704-3031

Similar to the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management, the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate is designed to develop supply chain professionals who can manage, analyze, and control activities across the entire supply chain, from upstream procurement to downstream distribution channels. The types of employers targeted by this program include companies, consulting firms, and government agencies that need to achieve competitive advantage and cost efficiencies by improving their supply chain performance. This program has been designed by benchmarking the content and courses against industry credentialing offerings so that graduates of the program can proceed to professional certification based on the knowledge gained in the program.

Students have the opportunity to complete courses in a combination of face-to-face, online and blended formats.

Graduates with a supply chain management background can pursue careers as purchasing specialists, contract administrators, procurement officers and managers, supply chain management professionals, business analysts, demand managers and more. In fact, the majority of U.S. jobs fall somewhere in a supply chain, whether it is procurement, logistics and operations, marketing, or sales and service. 

Admission Requirements

Application deadlines and a full listing of materials required for admission can be found on the website.

Degree Requirements

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Supply Chain Management is a 15-unit program and includes five of the six required courses in the Master of Science Degree in Supply Chain Management. Students who complete the certificate program can continue onto the master’s degree program if they so choose.

The required courses in the post-baccalaureate certificate program include:

Total Units15

Learning Objective 1

Compare and contrast methods to manage, analyze and control supply chain activities. (Bloom’s Level 4 – Analyze)
Courses assessed: Intro to Supply Chain (EBTM 602); Logistics and Distribution (EBTM 710). 

Learning Objective 2

Analyze a supply chain setting using critical thinking and problem-solving skills. (Bloom’s Level 4 – Analyze)
Courses assessed: Operations Management (EBTM 610); Procurement and Sourcing (EBTM 620). 

Learning Objective 3
Develop creative alternatives to supply chain problems using appropriate technology. (Bloom’s Level 6 – Creating)
Courses assessed: Intro to Supply Chain (EBTM 602); Supply Chain Analytics (EBTM 720).