Physical Therapy Pre-Professional Preparation

Health Professions 3120 B
Phone: 410-704-3671

Contact Person: 
Laura Steck

The entry level degree to become a licensed practicing Physical Therapist is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). Entry into these programs is highly competitive and prerequisites vary. The minimum requirement for application to a physical therapy program is completion of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Prerequisite requirements typically include extensive course work in biology, chemistry and physics, as well as statistics and courses in behavioral sciences. Because of these requirements, students often choose majors in a health-related or science field, such as Exercise Science or Biology. However, any major is acceptable, as long as specific undergraduate prerequisites for individual schools are completed. A typical first-year student curriculum at Towson University might include chemistry, biology and mathematics.

TU provides advising to assist students with their undergraduate preparation for this field. Students may choose to meet periodically with a CHP Pre-Physical Therapy adviser who can assist in planning academic schedules that will optimize their chances of acceptance into competitive and screened physical therapy programs.