Professional Studies Certificate

Program Website:

Program Director: Dr. Karen Eskow
Phone: 410-704-2128

The Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies includes 15 units - a subset of courses within the master’s degree in Professional Studies. This program will provide students with flexible options to extend their education at TU beyond the bachelor’s degree. Consistent with TU’s mission and goals this program will provide the following learning opportunities:

  • Graduate coursework that fosters intellectual inquiry and critical thinking that contribute to career responsive coursework in areas that reflect qualities that employers value including written and oral communication, leadership, community engagement and critical thinking.
  • The structure of the program combines courses from a variety of disciplines/colleges thus consistent with the mission that includes the atmosphere of collaborative, interdisciplinary and inter-professional learning experiences. The flexibility of this program guarantees that students will be in courses with peers from a variety of disciplines learning from professors with various disciplinary expertise.

Admission Requirements

Application deadlines and a full listing of materials required for admission can be found on the website.

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) in Professional Studies is a highly flexible certificate that can be completed in one academic year. It is available to students who want to enhance their knowledge and better compete for career opportunities in a chosen field. 

Degree Requirements

Coursework requirements include LBPS 601, a required writing course, and three electives chosen to expand skills in a competency area. Examples of competency areas are:

  • Non-profit leadership
  • Research related skills
    • Applied Statistics
    • Research Methods
  • Advanced writing
  • Policy
  • Health
  • Mental Health
  • Human Resource Skills
  • Website development
  • A field of study that requires prerequisite coursework such as mental health, AIT, or Business

Electives will be chosen in coordination with the student's advisor or the graduate program director.

PRWR 6XX Professional Writing Elective3
Electives Coursework chosen from competency area9
Total Units15

Students who wish to continue on and complete a master's degree can do so through the MA in Professional Studies. In addition courses completed through the PBC may be applied to another graduate program upon acceptance into that program and approval of the Graduate Program Director.  

  1. Demonstrate ability to write for a variety of audiences.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of research and its applications.
  3. Ability to define, apply and communicate the knowledge acquired through the specific focus of study.