Psychology M.A.

Degree: Master of Arts

Chair, Department of Psychology: Dr. Kerri Goodwin
Phone: 410-704-3202

The Master of Arts in Psychology has four concentrations:

Each concentration is described on its own page in detail with reference to objectives and requirements. All listed prerequisite courses are undergraduate courses.

Please note that only one master's degree in Psychology can be awarded; students who have already earned an MA in Psychology at Towson University will not be admitted to a different concentration.

The faculty in the Department of Psychology recognizes a special responsibility to the profession of psychology to ensure that all graduates of the program demonstrate attitudes and behavior consistent with the standards of the profession. The faculty of the specialization involved may recommend to the program director remedial or disciplinary action for such behavior as dishonesty, unethical conduct or other behaviors construed by the faculty as counterproductive to the field of psychology. Students have the right to appeal any action according to the procedures outlined in this catalog.

Students who complete one of the Master of Arts in Psychology concentrations are prepared to enter a variety of professions as well as pursue post-master’s and doctoral studies.

  1. Employ research methods appropriate to the discipline;
  2. Demonstrate basic discipline-specific skills and competencies;
  3. Demonstrate competency in acquiring and processing information in the search for understanding.