Accelerated Bachelor's in Physics and Master's in Applied Physics

Students in the Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences may, in their junior year, apply for admission to the B.S.-to-M.S. Program. This program is designed to allow students to complete accelerated undergraduate and graduate degrees in a shorter time frame. Students accepted into the program begin graduate course work during their junior or senior years. Nine units taken at the 500/600 level  will be double-counted toward the B.S. and M.S programs. A bachelor's degree will be awarded to the B.S.-to-M.S. program students after all degree requirements for the bachelor's are met. Students who do not complete the bachelor's portion of the program or who do not maintain a 3.0 GPA may not proceed to the M.S. level unless deficiencies are resolved. Students must earn a "B" or better in the double-counted courses.

Admission Requirements

  • Students may apply for this program during the first term of their junior year. Transfer students must have completed a minimum of 12 units at Towson University.
  • A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 overall is required for full admission.
  • The student applies for admission to the master’s in Applied Physics during the senior year and enters the master’s program after completion of the bachelor's degree.

Degree Requirements

Students must complete all requirements of the Physics major. Please refer to the Physics B.S. requirements listed under the Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences. Students must complete the required Physics courses and all requirements for the their chosen concentration but will substitute 9 units taken at the 500/600 level during the junior and senior year. These will be double-counted toward fulfilling the 120 units required for the B.S. and the 30 units required of the MS. Please see the detailed M.S. degree requirements in the Graduate Catalog.

Withdrawal and Ineligibility

  • Students may withdraw by informing the chair and graduate program director in writing.
  • Students who complete the bachelor’s degree, but decide not to continue with the M.S. program will terminate their program with the fulfillment of all the requirements of the bachelor’s degree. These requirements may include those graduate courses that were successfully completed to fulfill the bachelor's degree.
  • Students who do not follow the approved plan of graduate work may become ineligible to participate in the accelerated program. If a student becomes ineligible, the Physics graduate director will inform the student in writing.
  • Students who become ineligible to participate in or who withdraw from the accelerated degree program cannot double-count any courses for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.