TU Northeastern Campus and Satellite Campus Rate Structures

Towson University in Northeastern MD at Harford Community College (TUNE)

Towson University offers reduced fees for Athletics, Student Government Associations, and Auxiliary Services, for students taking units at the TU in Northeastern MD (TUNE) campus. Regular tuition rates apply:

  • Students will be charged the TUNE flat rate when 12 or more units are taken at that campus location. Undergraduate classes are assessed a $611.50-per-term Auxiliary Services Fee, $130.00-per-term Technology Fee, $320.00 Athletics Fee, and $28.00 Student Government Association Fee.
  • Students will be charged the TUNE per credit hour rate when taking less than 12 units at that campus location. Undergraduate classes are assessed a $54.50-per-unit Auxiliary Services Fee, $11.00-per-unit Technology Fee, $25.50-per-unit Athletics Fee, and $4.50-per-unit Student Government Association Fee.

Note: If units are taken simultaneously at TUNE and any other TU campus, but less than a 12-unit load is at the TUNE location, the per-unit rate is assessed as established for each campus. The maximum fees charged per term are at the TU main campus full-time rate.  

Satellite Locations 25 Miles or More from Towson University (Excluding TUNE)

Towson University offers reduced Auxiliary Services Fees, and excludes the Athletics Fee and the Student Government Association Fee, for classes taken at satellite locations 25 miles or more from the TU campus. Regular tuition rates apply.

  • For 11 or fewer units taken at satellite locations 25 miles or more from campus, undergraduate classes are assessed a $69.00-per-unit Auxiliary Services Fee and a $11-per-unit Technology Fee, and are excluded from the Athletics Fee and the Student Government Association Fee.
  • For 12 or more units taken at satellite locations 25 miles or more from campus, undergraduate classes are assessed a $812.00-per-term Auxiliary Services Fee and an $128.00-per-term Technology Fee, and are excluded from the Athletics Fee and the Student Government Association Fee.
  • Graduate-level classes taken at satellite locations 25 miles or more from campus are assessed a $64.00-per-unit Auxiliary Services Fee and a $10-per-unit Technology Fee, and are excluded from the Athletics Fee and the Student Government Association Fee.

Note: Regular fees are assessed for classes that do not qualify for the satellite location rate reduction.