Accelerated Bachelor's in English and Master's in Professional Writing

The accelerated Bachelor’s-Master’s degree program in English and Professional Writing allows students to take up to three graduate courses towards fulfilling their undergraduate degree requirements in English and their graduate degree requirements in Professional Writing. This program is open only to undergraduates pursuing the Writing track in English.

9 units taken at the 600 level after completion of the junior year will be double-counted toward fulfilling the 120 units required for the B.S. and the 36 units required for the M.S.:

PRWR 617EDITING (fulfills the undergraduate requirement in Language or Criticism)3
Select two of the following which fulfills the undergraduate requirements for Workshop or Studio courses:6
Total Units9

Undergraduates may count no more than 9 graduate units per term toward an undergraduate degree, beginning in the summer following the junior year.

A bachelor’s degree will be awarded after all degree requirements for the bachelor’s are met, normally after the fourth year. Students who do not successfully complete the bachelor’s portion of this track, or who do not maintain a 3.30 GPA, may not proceed to the M.S. level unless such deficiencies are resolved. Students must receive a grade of B or better in the double-counted graduate level courses.

The student applies for admission to the Master’s in Professional Writing Program during the first term of the senior year and enters the master’s program during the first term of the fifth year.

Students who complete the bachelor’s but decide not to continue with the M.S. program will terminate their program with the fulfillment of all requirements for the bachelor’s degree. Students may withdraw from the accelerated degree program by informing the director of the Professional Writing Program. If a student becomes ineligible to participate in the accelerated program, the director of the Professional Writing Program will inform the student in writing. A student who is ineligible to participate or who withdraws from the accelerated degree program cannot double-count any courses for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.