Albert S. Cook Library

Albert S. Cook Library
Circulation & Course Reserves: 410-704-2456
Research Help: 410-704-2462
Text Message: 410-774-1398


Albert S. Cook Library is the central place on campus to get assistance with research, find a variety of spaces to study, and access books, journals, and media resources.

Individualized research help is available virtually via text messaging, instant messaging, email and telephone. Subject Librarians also teach classes on finding, obtaining, using and analyzing information, and provide one-on-one research consultations by appointment.

Cook Library serves as an information hub with computer work stations available to connect users to the library catalog, electronic databases, electronic books, online journals and the internet. The main floor is home to TU's Academic Commons, an academic support center where students can meet with an advisor or tutor, learn more about disability accommodations, as well as get help with research, writing, and technology. Our 24/7 study space is also located on the main and second floors. The Data Studio on the second floor contains four individual workstations and one group station to support you in mapping, data analysis, and data visualization projects. Room 200C on the second floor is dedicated to quiet study and there are study cubicles and rooms located on the second floor as well. Wireless internet, cloud printers and scanner machines are conveniently located in the building. In addition, the library provides a leisure reading collection on the second floor and hosts events throughout the year, such as book discussions and noontime jazz concerts. Starbucks is also located in the lobby.

Cook Library's online catalog and electronic resources are accessible to Towson University students anytime, anywhere through the library's website. The library's collection includes more than 389,000 books and 929,000 electronic books. Students also have access to over 400 electronic databases and approximately 136,000 electronic and print journals. Special Collections & University Archives gives students an opportunity to experience history at their fingertips through digital collections, rare books, and historical TU documents and photographs.

In addition, TU students can utilize other area library collections. They may request books from the University System of Maryland and Affiliated institutions (USMAI) libraries and they may have access to many private college and university libraries in the Baltimore area. Materials needed for academic research may be obtained from around the world via inter-library loan as well.


Librarian II: Brittini Ballard (Learning Technologies Librarian), Elizabeth DeCoster (Research & Instruction Librarian), William Helman (Head of Library Information Technology), Soo-yeon Hwang, Hong Li (Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian), Bria Sinnott (Student Success Librarian), S. Lisa Sweeney (Research & Instruction Librarian), Elisabeth White (Science Technology & Mathematics Librarian), Adam Zukowski (Metadata & Linked Data Strategies Librarian)

Librarian I: Songyao Chen (Data Science Librarian), Christina Gibson (Performing Arts Librarian), Allison Jennings-Roche (Lead Teaching & Learning Librarian), Felicity Knox, Emily Minner, Miranda Phair, Jasmine Thomas

Librarian III: Rick Davis (Copyright Librarian & Head of Resource Sharing), Miriam DesHarnais (Research & Instruction Librarian), Elaine Mael (Cataloging Librarian), Carl Olson (Research & Instruction Librarian), Carrie Price (Research Impact & Health Professions Librarian)

Librarian IV: Joyce Garczynski (Assistant University Librarian for Communication & Digital Scholarship), Shana Gass (Head of Research Services), Mary Gilbert (Assistant University Librarian for Content Management), Claire Holmes (Assistant University Librarian for Public Services & Student Success), Ashley Todd-Diaz (Assistant University Librarian for Special Collections & University Archives)

Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services: Mary Ranadive

Dean: Suzanna Yaukey (Dean of University Libraries)